Australia, here I come!

Student life in Australia

Breathtaking nature, guaranteed immersion into the English language, top universities and buzzing metropolises: there's a bunch of reasons for you to do your bachelor's or master's degree (or both) in Australia. There's definitely degrees to pick from, as there are over 22 000 degrees and 1200 higher education institutions in Australia: wow!


In Australia, the autumn semester starts in February and ends in July. The spring semester starts in July and ends in November. In principal, universities accept applications year around, but there is a deadline for degrees starting in a certain semester. There is no general application portal that would allow you to apply to multiple universities at once, but instead you apply individually to each university and program you are interested in, via the school's own application portal. 

Higher education institutions also expect a certain level of success on your previous studies (high school diploma or equivalent) and the level of knowledge of the English language also varies between institutions. To be sure that your application will overall run smoothly when it comes to proving your language skills, it's worthwhile to take an official English language test, such as IELTS or TOEFL. You also need to prove your English language skills with your previous studies, e.g. that you have studied English during your secondary level studies, to receive the student visa to Australia. 

The application process with visas and all other paperwork can be quite a hassle. If you are interested or thinking about studying abroad in Australia, a great friend to help you along the way is KILROY. KILROY is in cooperation with many Australian universities, and their free study counselling service helps you pick between the multiple schools and degrees on offer.  

Opiskelijaelämä Australiassa

Student life in Australia and financing your studies

Studying in Australia differs slightly from the lecture oriented university level studying very common in the Nordic countries. Oftentimes, the study groups are small and projects can be more pragmatic than theoretical. Australia is home to a number of top ranking universities and also a favourite destination to foreign students; globally, Australia is the third most popular country to study abroad.

Prices for degree studying in Australia rank internationally quite high. Bachelor studies are around 9500 - 21 500 EUR per year and Master studies around 13 000 - 23 500 EUR per year. Specialist studies, such as medical and veterinary studies may cost you even more per year depending on the university. The state of Australia and multiple universities luckily grant numerous scholarships to international students. Take a look at different scholarship options here.    

It' also easy to fund your studies with part time work; the Australian student visa includes a visa for part time working, that is 40 hours/2 weeks during your semesters and unlimited working hours during school holiday seasons. Many students work part time to fund their studies, and a part time job during your studies is a great way to get introduced to the professional life of your major already while you're studying. More information on working part time during your studies here.

Opiskelijaelämä Australiassa

Apartment and living costs

In Australia, students most commonly live on campus in student housing, privately rented flats or flatshares or in homestays with a local family. Homestay accommodation is a slightly cheaper option compared to on campus accommodation on living alone, and especially to younger students who've never lived alone or abroad a homestay might be a great choice and a soft landing to student life in a foreign country. The pricing of on campus accommodation ranges between universities, as do the services offered or included in the price of on campus housing (such as cleaning services). It is a popular option to rent a house or a larger apartment with friends and live in a flatshare to split the costs of living and also have some company at home. Remember that when renting from a private landlord, you'll pay for electricity, water and all other utilities on top of your rent. Look for flats and potential flatmates at Australia's most popular flatshare service,

Opiskelijaelämä Australiassa



KILROY: Study in Australia

Australian Government: Study in Australia

Studies in Australia: The international students' guide

Universities Australia: The voice of Australia's Universities

Home Affairs, Australian Government: Student visa

Study in Australia - Scholarships

